Care & Maintenance
Daily Basis
Wipe up any spills of liquid, water, soups, etc. as soon as possible. Try to keep areas around the sink, dishwasher, and oven, as dry as possible.
Twice yearly cleaning
Care and maintenance is really simple. About twice a year, after the installation is completed, you should clean your cabinetry with a mild non-abrasive soap / water mixture using a soft terry cloth towel.
Polish & Wax
Polishing or waxing on a regular basis is not needed; regular polishing builds up over time and can distort the finish. If you do feel that you need to polish your cabinetry be sure to use an oil or cream-based polish, never use a wax or silicone based polish.
Conversion Varnish
Jewel Box Cabinetry's finish is catalyzed conversion varnish, the best finish available; it is all the protection that your cabinetry needs to stay beautiful for years. Following the procedures above is all you need to do care for your cabinetry.
Helpful Hints
- Cabinetry finished with catalyzed conversion varnish may be cleaned occasionally by cleaning with a soap / water mixture using a soft terry cloth towel.
- Wipe up spills as soon as possible.
- Remove grease build ups with a water / vinegar mixture using a soft terry cloth towel.
- Abrasive cleaners such as Ajax, Comet, Soft Scrub, etc. should never be used.
- Furniture polish is seldom needed as they tend to build up over time.
- Hinges are the drawer slides are fully adjustable.
- Periodically check the hinges, drawer slides, and accessories and tighten as necessary.
Any questions that have not been answered call Jewel Box Cabinetry as needed!